Medienwirtschafts Verlag

» It reduces the amount of „Please send me that again“ emails a lot!«

Martin Staudinger is the CEO of the Medienwirtschafts Verlag which publishes the first magazine for online marketing professionals in Austria. ZCOPE helps him to manage several internal projects and the „ 2009“ summit.

Where did you hear about ZCOPE?

I found it on Google.

What was your first impression? Why are you using ZCOPE?

Simple: It works!

Did you use another software tool before or did you organise your projects „the hard way“ (Emails, Excel etc.)?

I did it the "hard way". We are currently switching the whole company to ZCOPE and I might have to convince a few co-workers. But I guess it's only a matter of how much pain they have in their projects ;-) 

How do you use ZCOPE? Which functions do you use most?

We use the tasks function most. We started to use the document sharing as well but we have to get used to the chronological listing. There might be a better solution for that in the future.

Did ZCOPE optimise the communication with team members and clients?

We can now concentrate on content and not on searching.

How many projects do you manage at the same time?

About 20 to 30 projects. Depending on the season. I believe that we cover about 80% of our activities in projects.

How many people in your company use ZCOPE?

5 people.

How did you introduce ZCOPE to your clients?

We showed them ZCOPE and then talked about it.

Did ZCOPE influence your email behaviour?

It reduces the amount of „Please send me that again“ emails a lot!

What do you like best about ZCOPE?

It simply is simple.


Thank you for the interview!

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